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Jim Dykstra

Jim Dykstra's picture
Associate Editor

Jim joined The Beer Connoisseur® in 2014 as an editorial assistant, fresh off of Kennesaw State University's journalism canning line. As editorial responsibilities grew, so too did an interest in new flavors and cultures.

Now mellowed with age, his interests have developed into a full blown love of "Blue Highway" travel and the expanded palate of experience it brings.

When not contributing to The Beer Connoisseur®, Jim writes and edits for video game publisher thatgamecompany, balancing his time at the desk with walking, biking, teaching drums and coaching ultimate frisbee.

You may reach Jim by email at:

jim (at) beerconnoisseuur (dot) com

My articles

TRU Colors: Crips, Bloods, Black Disciples and Gangster Disciples Brew Together for Change
Beer is an instrument of social change. When used judiciously, it becomes a bridge between surface and depth, allowing us to reveal more of ourselves...
2022 Consumer Trends
The year of 2021 was another great year to justify drinking beer. Unless you’ve been living under a Rolling Rock, you don’t need anyone to tell you...
Catch a Rising Star: The Inspiring Story of Nigeria's Star Lager Beer's Emergence in America
When word comes that a major brand is branching out into new territory, the assumption is that it was an easy deal brought into existence by high-...
13 Great Atlanta Beer Bars
There is no shortage of craft beer in Atlanta – and no shortage of beer bars to supply it (and no shortage of demand, too). Census data places the...
Seedstock Brewery Tour
Denver’s Seedstock Brewery is a true beer connoisseur’s brewery. Rather than relying on flash and gimmicks, it is helping to push the American palate...
What Is Gruit?
You’ve certainly heard the word “gruit.” You’ve likely seen it listed in the bottom right-hand corner of your local brewery’s tap list. But what is...
Beer in American History
Beer runs deep in the veins of American history, coursing through the hearts, minds and livers of those who founded modern America. Lincoln once said...
2021 Consumer Trends
2020 has seen the beer industry jerked around like a starfish in the churning tides of pandemic politics and economics. Shutdowns, lockdowns and...
2021 Restaurant Trends
Last year we touched on the growing popularity of fast casual dining and zero-waste cooking. This year, the theme is survival. How do businesses...

