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Jim Dykstra

Jim Dykstra's picture
Associate Editor

Jim joined The Beer Connoisseur® in 2014 as an editorial assistant, fresh off of Kennesaw State University's journalism canning line. As editorial responsibilities grew, so too did an interest in new flavors and cultures.

Now mellowed with age, his interests have developed into a full blown love of "Blue Highway" travel and the expanded palate of experience it brings.

When not contributing to The Beer Connoisseur®, Jim writes and edits for video game publisher thatgamecompany, balancing his time at the desk with walking, biking, teaching drums and coaching ultimate frisbee.

You may reach Jim by email at:

jim (at) beerconnoisseuur (dot) com

My articles

european beer tour companies
Mesopotamia and China are renowned progenitors of brewing, but in terms of modern beer history, just about all roads can be traced back to Europe,...
Nicaragua: The Land of Volcanoes, Surfing and Beer
“Reconsider travel to Nicaragua due to civil unrest, crime, limited healthcare availability, and arbitrary enforcement of laws.” So says the U.S....
Best US Sports Stadiums for Beer
Sports and beer. They go together like tequila and lime, hammer and sickle or burger and pickle. The modern “PG” version of gladiatorial combat is...
2018 US Import Beer Sales
Whether you're a brewer forecasting what might be viable in the near future, a merchandiser aiming to please the masses, or just want to be the cool...
2018 Consumer Beer Sales Analysis
As we hop forward into 2019, the North American craft market continues to refine in interesting ways. We're seeing more niche, focused consolidations...
2019 Trends in Craft
Craft beer in 2018 was largely defined by consolidation. While the consolidation of craft brands is not a new story, the past year saw many brands...
2019 Restaurant Trends
2018 was another solid year for restaurants, continuing a trend of mild yet steady growth. Using data from the National Restaurant Association (NRA...
2019 Consumer Trends
Total dollar sales over the last 52 weeks rung in at more than $35 billion, up 1.8 percent from the previous year, while total volume sales were down...
The Hop Report: Trending Hops for 2019
You can make beer without hops. However, the odds of making good beer without hops are not incredibly high. Hops are inextricably entwined with the...

