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Trade Membership

Join our business trade program to receive a world of exposure to our consumer, industry and media audience.

Trade Membership

With over 50,000 industry readers daily and 8 million readers annually, The Beer Connoisseur® magazine & online is one of the most trusted sources for beverage information worldwide.


The Beer Connoisseur® magazine & online receives hundreds of press releases each week from around the globe for limited news spots in our Industry News coverage. There exists tens of thousands of beers, NA beers, ciders, meads and seltzers for our judging consider for our Official Review. With a limited editorial staff, the chances we can cover your company regularly is unlikely.

We have thus created our business trade program to help your company gain regular coverage for the editorial categories read most by our audience: Beverage Industry News, Expert Product Reviews and Industry Stories


Receive guaranteed coverage of all of your press releases & news year-round in our Industry News.

How will your news be published?

  • Releases converted to website news articles at and optimized for SEO with DoFollow backlinks (2.2MM page views annually)
  • Releases published in our Industry News editorial eNewsletters (weekly on Mondays to 55k paid and opt-in subscribers)
  • Releases published to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest (120k total followers)

Trade Membership


Beer, NA Beer, Cider, Mead, Seltzer

Submit your products for expert single-blind evaluations by our judging panel and for publishing in our Official Review.

  • Tier-1, Business Subscription: 1 product submission annually
  • Tier-2, Local Business: 3 product submissions annually
  • Tier-3, Regional Business: 8 product submissions annually
  • Tier-4, National / International Business: 14 product submissions annually

Visit the Official Review page for evaluation details and to submit your products for review.

How will your reviews be published?

  • Directory page on website
  • Product page on website
  • Judge's Review on website
  • Brewer Q&A on website
  • Official Review eNewsletters (Fridays)
  • Featured Product with Brewer Q&A eNewsletters (Sundays)
  • High-scoring reviews (Ratings 100-85) published to all social media platforms
  • Brewer Q&As published to all social media platforms
  • Print Magazine: Top 150 Beers of the Year
  • Print Magazine: 4-page highlight for world-class rated prodcuts

Trade Membership: Product Submissions (Official Review)

Moody Tongue Brewing Co. President and Brewmaster Jared Rouben Talks Juiced Lychee IPA


Each year in January, The Beer Connoisseur® acknowledges the top-rated beer, cider, seltzer and mead as reviewed in its Official Review.

It then awards The Best Beer of the Year and the three breweries / producers that produced the highest collective score for their top three scoring products as: Brewery of the Year, First-Runner Up and Second-Runner Up.

Awards certificates and digital medals are available to showcase your achievements, and to promote your company and outstanding products.

The Beer Connoisseur® magazine & online acknowledges your achievements for its 8 million annual readers with editorial coverage of the awards in its annual national print magazine, and across all of its digital and social publishing platforms.

The Best Beer & Breweries Awards

Awards Program Details


Throughout the year we approach our trade members first for special feature stories opportunities in our publication.

How will they be published?
•  Website articles on
•  Premium web magazine editions
•  Daily eNewsletter inclusion
•  Published to all social media platforms

Editorial Opportunities
Urban Artifact Brewery Tour


Submit your Instagram posts to our editorial department.

We'll re-post your content to our Instagram account @beerconnoisseurmag.

Submission form

Instagram Posts


There is no better way to be discovered by The Beer Connoisseur's audience than becoming a trade member!

Our readers are a healthy mix of consumers and industry professionals wanting to stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends from within the industry.

Who is our audience?

  • Beer-Intrigued Consumers
  • Beer Enthusiast Consumers
  • Brewery Professionals
  • Beverage Retailers
  • Beverage Distributors
  • Brewery Suppliers
  • Media, Journalists & Social Influencers

Media Guides


The Beer Connoisseur®  magazine & online is read 8-million times annually across all of our publishing platforms.

Website Traffic 
2.2 million unique page views annually

Daily Editorial eNewsletters

  • 10 themed weekly eNewsletters
  • 55,000 paid & opt-in subscribers per eNewsletter
  • 12,000 daily opens
  • 3.6 million annual opens

Social Media  - 2 Million Annual Impressions

Twitter - 32,000 followers
Facebook - 49,000 followers
Instagram - 22,000 followers 
Pinterest -  5,500 views monthly
LinkedIn - 9,000 followers (all accounts)

Annual Print Magazine
10,000 copies, 23,000 readers


Receive a robust "micro-site" in our online directory. Click here to see which companies have joined our trade program.

For beverage producers, we have structured our product review pages so that readers are funneled to your directory page to learn more about your company.

Our reviews populate on your page to make management of your submissions easy. Plus you can directly edit your page to keep it up to date.

Trade members also are listed in the annual print edition.


Our annual print edition awards the best beer and breweries of the year. It also provides an insider's look at the upcoming year's industry trends. This is our annual, coffee table-worthy edition that everyone gets their hands on.

Trade members receive the following exclusive opportunities:

  • Trade member business listing
  • $250 discount on full page ads
  • Tier-4, National: Trade members receive a complimentary full page ad

The Beer Connoisseur Issue 52 Front Cover and Brewer Q&A Interior Spread

The Beer Connoisseur Magazine Full Page Adverisement


Receive a company and employee premium subscriptions to The Beer Connoisseur® magazine & online.

See all of the coverage you are receiving in digital and print!

The Beer Connoisseur Mgazine with Mobile Device View


Our subscribers are an enthusiastic and loyal fan base, and they will take notice of your affiliation with The Beer Connoisseur® magazine & online.

Display your trade membership proudly!

2020 Trade Decal


Trade Tier-1, Business Subscription, $95 (annual auto-renew)
Full editorial benefits excluded. Starts on date of purchase.

  • Company business directory page
  • 1 press release covered annually
  • 1 product submission annually
  • 1 company subscription

Manage auto-renew in your online account.

Trade Tier-2, Local Business, $195 (annual auto-renew)
Your company sells in 1 state, province or locale worldwide. Starts on date of purchase.

  • Company business directory page
  • All press releases covered annually
  • 3 product submissions annually
  • 1 company + 1 employee subscription

Manage auto-renew in your online account.

Trade Tier-3, Regional, $495 (annual auto-renew)
Your company sells in 12 or fewer states, provinces or locales worldwide. Starts on date of purchase.

  • Company business directory page
  • All press releases covered annually
  • 8 product submissions annually
  • 1 company + 3 employee subscriptions

Manage auto-renew in your online account.

Trade Tier-4, National / International, $995 (annual auto-renew)
Your company sells nationally or internationally in more than 12 states, provinces or locales worldwide. Starts on date of purchase.

  • Company business directory page
  • All press releases covered annually
  • 14 product submissions annually
  • 1 company + 9 employee subscriptions
  • Advertising included

Manage auto-renew in your online account.


Customer acknowledges that he or she is pre-paying a service license for a Trade Member user role on this site for 12 months. Months are calculated as 30 days. In the event of cancelation, the license will remain active for the duration of the agreed-upon terms. No license refunds permitted. In the event the user's account is disabled by BC staff for misconduct, the customer will lose the license with no refund due.

Tier-1: single state distributon, Tier-2: multi-state distribution

Partner Sponsor - Official Review
