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Jim Dykstra

Jim Dykstra's picture
Associate Editor

Jim joined The Beer Connoisseur® in 2014 as an editorial assistant, fresh off of Kennesaw State University's journalism canning line. As editorial responsibilities grew, so too did an interest in new flavors and cultures.

Now mellowed with age, his interests have developed into a full blown love of "Blue Highway" travel and the expanded palate of experience it brings.

When not contributing to The Beer Connoisseur®, Jim writes and edits for video game publisher thatgamecompany, balancing his time at the desk with walking, biking, teaching drums and coaching ultimate frisbee.

You may reach Jim by email at:

jim (at) beerconnoisseuur (dot) com

My articles

Smithsonian Beer Connoisseur
The Smithsonian is hiring a full-time beer historian as part of its American Brewing History Initiative. The pay? $64,450 plus benefits. The deadline...
Hop Valley Beer Connoisseur
Shortly after acquiring Georgia's Terrapin Beer Co., Miller Coors has announced that it has purchased Oregon-based Hop Valley Brewing Company via its...
MillerCoors Terrapin Beer Connoisseur
Those familiar with Terrapin Beer Co. may know that Miller Coors already had a minority stake in the Athens, Georgia craft brewery, but through its...
Sun King Brewing Beer Connoisseur
Indianapolis-based Sun King is celebrating seven years of craft brewing with statewide distribution in grocery and convenience stores along with the...
BoulDurango Bike Ride Beer Connoisseur
The Seventh Annual BoulDurango Bike Ride is on today, featuring many of the top craft brewers in Colorado. Check out the full press release below for...
Bayside Black IPA Beer Connoisseur
New York City-based rock act Bayside is collaborating with Oskar Blues to release Bayside Black IPA, to be released August 19.  According to the...
Short's Beer Connoisseur
Michigan-based Short's Brewing Company has announced the release of its "Psychedelic Cat Grass IPA", a triple dry-hopped with notes of mango,...
Shmaltz Star Trek Beer Connoisseur
Beer me up, Scotty. Shmaltz has announced it will release the first of at least two official Star Trek Beers later this month to commemorate the...
Terrapin Beer Connoisseur Shmaltz
Shmaltz is teaming up with Terrapin Beer Company to raise money for the Institue for Myeloma and Bone Cancer Research, the sixth year in a row the...

