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Jim Dykstra

Jim Dykstra's picture
Associate Editor

Jim joined The Beer Connoisseur® in 2014 as an editorial assistant, fresh off of Kennesaw State University's journalism canning line. As editorial responsibilities grew, so too did an interest in new flavors and cultures.

Now mellowed with age, his interests have developed into a full blown love of "Blue Highway" travel and the expanded palate of experience it brings.

When not contributing to The Beer Connoisseur®, Jim writes and edits for video game publisher thatgamecompany, balancing his time at the desk with walking, biking, teaching drums and coaching ultimate frisbee.

You may reach Jim by email at:

jim (at) beerconnoisseuur (dot) com

My articles

Destihl Brewery Expansion New Normal
Illinois-based Destihl Brewery has begun work on its new $14.5 million dollar, 45,000 square foot brewery in the town of Normal, IL. The facility...
Maui Brewing Co. Rebrand Hawaii Beer
Maui Brewing has updated its branding with new packaging, a new logo, web design and more.  "While demonstrating a clear visual change, our refreshed...
Dangerous Man Brewing Company, Goliath Videogame
Minneapolis-based Dangerous Man Brewing Company has released Goliath Experimental Double IPA in conjunction with the launch of Goliath, an indie game...
Belgian Beer Emojis
Millenial drinkers rejoice, Luddites despair, for the Belgian Brewers Guild has released a full 60 emojis depicting its members' beers in an array of...
Russian River, Firestone Walker, Cilurzo Brinildson Collaboration STiVO
Russian River and Firestone Walker have combined their pilsners to form a super-pils known as STiVO, to be debuted at the 2016 Firestone Walker...
Flying Dog Raging Bitch Lawsuit First Amendment 1st
Last year the Frederick, Maryland-based Flying Dog Brewery, America's 37th-largest craft brewery, resolved a six-year legal battle with the Michigan...
New York's Brooklyn Brewery, home of famed head brewer and renaissance man Garrett Oliver, has announced plans to occupy a 75,000 square foot...
Breckenridge Brewery Alan Rickman Snape-ricot Beer Denver Comic Con
Breckenridge Brewery has hosted a "Name the Comic Con Beer" contest for the Denver Comic Con every since 2012. This year, the beer was an apricot...
Stone Borreo Napa Beer Brewery Taproom
Stone Brewing, which ranked 10th in the Brewer's Association's 2015 list of Top 50 Craft Breweries, will build a new taproom and pilot brewery in...

