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Nelson has been judging and rating beers (over 20,000) for 30 years and is always interested in trying beers he hasn’t had before. A homebrewer for 40 years, Nelson has brewed all 154 sub-styles from the BJCP 2021 guidelines, along with historical and extinct beers, to learn more about the beer styles and the thought process of the brewers behind them. He is active in judging, entering, and running beer competitions and is a BJCP National Judge as well as a BJCP Mead Judge and BJCP Cider Judge.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Milk Stout by Garage Brewing Co. best fits into the BJCP 2015 Spice/Herb/Vegetable 30A substyle. It pours a very dark brown with a moderate head of tiny dark tan bubbles that fades quickly - possibly an indication of oil from peanuts. Initially, the aroma is a big sweet... Read More
This beer pours a beautiful brilliantly clear orange-amber with a big, fluffy, cream-colored head of small bubbles that persists and leaves some Belgian lacing. The aroma of fresh baked bread and bread crusts is just a bit grainy, with grassy and resinous tangerine notes and hints of tropical... Read More
Barrel Aged Brownie Batter Blend #3: Loaded French Toast by Pontoon Brewing was evaluated as a cross of BJCP 2015 style 31B, Alternative Sugar Beer, and 33A, Wood-Aged Beer, with a base style of 16A, Sweet Stout (Imperial strength). Very complex for sure! Pouring an opaque very deep brown, there... Read More
Pours almost black as night, but if you put it up to a strong light, it's a beautifully clear reddish, very deep brown. A big tan head of tiny bubbles lasts for a long time and leaves some splotchy Belgian lacing on the sides of the glass. I can smell the coffee from a couple feet away – and... Read More
Classic Hazy Double IPA by Garage Brewing Co. was evaluated as a BJCP style 21C, Hazy IPA, per the 2021 style guidelines. This beer presents with a big poofy head of tiny bubbles that persists atop a beautifully hazy, light golden beer.
There is a big mango tropical aroma up-front and ... Read More
Initial notes of floral noble hops are moderately low and a slightly grassy character is supported by a fairly light malt backbone that is bready with honey-like overtones. This beer pours a slightly hazy, light-yellowish gold color with a small white head of fine bubbles that dissipates quickly... Read More