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Josh Weikert took up homebrewing in 2007 as a means of staying sane during graduate school, and even though school is over, the brewing continues! He is a founding member and past president of the Stoney Creek Homebrewers, has medaled in every BJCP beer style, is a BJCP Grand Master Judge and Certified Cicerone, and is a two-time Eastern Pennsylvania Homebrewer of the Year. He is also the author of the Beer: Simple blog (
Josh is a professor and lecturer in political science, specializing in political communication and political psychology. He lives in Collegeville, PA with his wife, Barbara (also an award-winning brewer), and their dog Biscuit (who has yet to win any medals, but is remarkably happy to watch on brew days).
Sublime Citrus Wit by Starr Hill is a Belgian Witbier (BJCP category 24A) that touches on the core flavors of the classic Belgian style but doesn't venture too far from them. Despite its name, this beer lacks any particular citrus punch, and actually overperforms in scoring a bit simply because... Read More
Farmhouse ales tend to be relatively easy drinkers, but some really swing for the fences. This is one such Saison, and while the effort is commendable, the beer is sharply unbalanced and tough to drink. I would love to see what the brewery does with this in future passes because I honestly... Read More
Imperial Stout can be a little like the big guy on the football team who's really just a Teddy Bear. Sure, it seems big and threatening but underneath it's sweet and approachable. Sadly, that's not what we get here. Here, it's just a bear. Like, a real one. And it's upset.
The beer pours... Read More
The Hook Grapefruit Session IPA by Starr Hill Brewery (BJCP Category 21B: Specialty IPA) shows promise, but seems to be showing some fragility in its flavor as oxidation takes a bit of a toll.
The beer pours brilliantly clear and surprisingly dark (light amber) for a session IPA, with... Read More
As a common "gateway" sour, Berliner Weisse tends to be a little one-note, but it's usually a pretty good note! Athena follows that model, and is a good drinking sour even if it isn't a great example of a Berliner Weisse.
Pouring with a bit more haze than one would expect, even for a... Read More
A so-so IPA doesn't cut it in the marketplace today, and this beer comes across as very one-note -- and not a great note at that.
The beer pours a hazy gold with scant white head, and the initial aromas are not promised: low levels of pine and orange, with a low background mustiness and a... Read More