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Jason Johnson

Jason Johnson's picture
Beer Judge

Jason Johnson has been homebrewing since 2000 and a ranked judge with the BJCP since 2005. He currently holds the rank of National Judge. Jason was the Co-founder and Co-Host of Brewnology: The Podcast where they explored all avenues of Beer Judging for their listeners. Although the show had a good 2 year run, they ran out of judging content at 50 shows and had to call it quits. Past episodes of Brewnology can still be found on YouTube. Jason is also the author of an e-book titled Roasted: A Homebrewer's Guide to Homeroasting Grain.

Although currently an independent homebrewer no longer active in a local club, Jason was a member of the Manty Malter's homebrew club in, Wisconsin. Jason has held several officer positions within the club including president as well as lead the club's judging education program. He also has a set of free BJCP Prep classes on YouTube to help judges who may not have a nearby club to supplement their self-study. He also helps these people by answering questions via messages. So far the course has been fairly popular and helped some judges in other countries study for their exams.

As a brewer, Jason mostly likes to brew traditional classic styles. He brews a lot of American ales (America Pale Ales, American IPA, and American Pre-Prohibition Lager). Other styles he likes to brew are Chocolate Oatmeal Stout, Belgian Wit, Saison, Dubbel, and Cream Ale to name a few. As far as craft beer goes, he enjoys tasting and Judging the full gambit of the beer spectrum.

My reviews

Sion Kölsch

Sion Kölsch

Sion Kölsch, Radeberger Gruppe

A true Kölsch, brewed in Cologne, Germany. Straw in color, Sion is a top-fermented beer that has a light bitterness on the palate, but yields to a smooth, refreshing finish which makes it highly drinkable and enjoyable all year long.

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating:
6 / 6
23 / 24
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
19 / 20

Sion Kölsch by Radeberger was judged as a Kölsch against the BJCP style guidelines category 5B.

The aroma is light, but not void by any means. I easily pick up clean moderate grainy malt with a slightly cracker-like secondary note. What I really like is the hop nose on the beer. It's... Read More

Alpha Abstraction Vol. 19

Alpha Abstraction Vol. 19

United States
Alpha Abstraction Vol. 19, Wild Leap Brew Co.

Alpha Abstraction Vol. 19 is a juicy, double dry-hopped IPA with Cryo Pop hops. This is the nineteenth edition of the series with a varied hop profile in each volume.

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating:
6 / 6
23 / 24
37 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

Alpha Abstraction Vol. 19 by Wild Leap Brew Co. was judged under category 22A, double IPA, in the 2021 BJCP style guidelines.

The first... Read More

Wood Aged Kilt Lifter

Wood Aged Kilt Lifter The Pike Beer
Judges Rating:
5 / 6
22 / 24
37 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression:
17 / 20

This beer poured a mildly hazy light mahogany color with reddish highlights. A very low khaki-colored head with formed, then dissipated quickly. The beer's aroma was quite nice and typical of what I would expect in a barrel-aged Scotch Ale. I got some rich caramel malty tones, along with a... Read More

Judges Rating:
6 / 6
23 / 24
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

The beer pours a brilliantly clear gold color with a fluffy white head with with excellent retention. The aroma starts out with a low sweet honey-like soft malt character. There are big bright hoppy tones of mango, lemons, and some low pine notes but mostly its  tropical fruits for me.  I do get... Read More

Stone Ripper

Stone Ripper by Stone Brewing Co.
Judges Rating:
6 / 6
22 / 24
37 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

The beer pours a light orange color with a faint haze. The cream colored head is foamy and has excellent retention. It sticks around for a long time. The aroma is loaded with a strong hop aroma of mango and citrus hops and is backed up by bready and lightly toasty malt. There is a light sweet... Read More

Judges Rating:
6 / 6
23 / 24
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression:
18 / 20

Goodwood Bourbon Barrel Stout by Goodwood Brewing Co. is being reviewed as a BJCP category 33B, Specialty Wood Aged beers. What we are expecting in an American Stout according the BJCP is "a fairly strong, highly roasted, bitter, hoppy dark stout. Has the body and dark flavors typical of stouts... Read More

