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Jim Koebel's picture

Notch 9

January, 2016

Notch 9

Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

This Double IPA explodes with dense, citrusy hop aromas along with noticeable alcohol aromas. It is gold-colored and hazy with a wispy white head that rouses very well. The flavor contains citrus peel, grapefruit and hop resin with a sturdy and neutral malt backbone. It is quite bitter and dry. It finishes crisply with lingering resinous hop flavor and a pleasant alcohol warmth. This example stops short of the "intense" and "absurd" levels of hop character allowable in the Double IPA style, but is plenty satisfying and deserves credit for making its mark without reaching extremes.
