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Nelson Crowle's picture

Judge's Review: 93 Rating - pFriem Brett Saison by pFriem Family Brewers

October, 2019
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

pFriem Brett Saison by pFriem Family Brewers could be evaluated as BJCP 2015 style 25B (Saison), but since Saison typically expects characterful Saccharomyces yeast (and NOT Brettanomyces), I evaluated as style 28A (Brett Beer), which is where a Brett Saison should be placed, according to the guidelines. The beer pours with a huge white head of medium-to-large bubbles that quickly fades to a thin layer of tiny white bubbles. Color is a hazy yellowish deep straw. The aroma is a strong nose full of farmhouse - moderate fresh mowed hay, medium pineapple (typical of Brett Claussenii), moderately high lemon zest, and low supporting bready malt. Aroma hops are medium level earthy, floral, and a bit grassy (maybe the beer was dry-hopped?). The flavor amplifies all of the aromas, particularly the wet hay, pineapple, lemony and floral/grassy hop notes, adding a moderate herbal note too. Medium low bittering balances to leave a quite dry and well attenuated finish that reflects the farmhouse notes and just a bit of funk. Balanced pretty evenly between hop bittering and malt, the Brett is the star here, adding layers of complexity to the already interesting Saison spicy notes. Overall a very complex and yet very balanced beer, very enjoyable. Although this beer would pair with most any food, a spinach salad with cranberries, Mandarin oranges and almonds might be the perfect match. Hot bacon dressing is optional.
