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Judge's Review: 88 Rating - Chrono 003 // Strawberry El Dorado by Able Seedhouse and Brewery

July, 2018
Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Chrono 003 // Strawberry El Dorado by Able Seedhouse and Brewery is being evaluated as a BJCP 2015 Fruit Beer (style 29) with a base style of Berliner Weisse (23A) - commonly called a Florida Weisse in Florida, but the description also sounds like a Catharina Sour (new BJCP2015 style X4).

Light bread dough aroma with medium strawberries and very light floral is first apparent. The beer pours a very clear medium gold with a large poofy white head that quickly dissipates, probably from the acidity. First taste is quite tart, with a clean lactic sourness and a dry bready finish with just a hint of earthiness. Strawberries come out mid-palate and still quite tart with no residual sweetness. Medium-light body and fairly high carbonation with a clean kettle-soured type of sourness. Tasty and enjoyable, this beer would pair well with fruity meat dishes like ham/pineapple sandwiches (pineapple rings with ham chunks, baked), or Hawaiian pineapple chicken.
