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IV Chocolate Porter

April, 2017
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
5 / 6
36 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

IV Chocolate Porter by Smartmouth Brewing Company is a Chocolate Porter and was judged as an American Porter (BJCP sub-style 20A). It poured very dark brown (opaque) into the glass, sporting a sparse white head with little retention.

The nose featured only chocolate, whether through bountiful use of chocolate malt in the grist or late additions of chocolate itself in one of its many forms, is unclear. The flavor profile was dominated by chocolate (malt or other) up front. The hop presence was mostly for bittering/balance rather than flavor/aroma. Palate sensations included medium body, low carbonation, and no discernable alcohol warmth or creaminess. The finish was thin rather than “chewy” for a chocolate porter. Overall, this porter was smooth and drinkable without being exceptional in any way. A rich chocolatey finish might have produced a more memorable ale.
