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Phil Farrell's picture

Devil's Ale

Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
5 / 6
35 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

An inviting citrus/grapefruit and resiny Pacific Northwest hop aroma draws you into this clear orange-amber brew and its low white head. There is an underlying light biscuit aroma with defi nite caramel once it warms. The flavor is also very clean with no discernable esters or fermentation character. The flavor is very hop-centric with a fairly dry palate-cleansing bitterness keeping the caramel in check. The finish is very crisp with a light lingering citrus in the aftertaste. The carbonation is low making the beer, which has some American amber as well as IPA characteristics, seem a little fuller on the palate despite the body being light.
