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Nelson Crowle's picture


February, 2016
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
5 / 6
35 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

The beer pours a hazy deep amber with a large poofy head of small beige bubbles that leaves some Belgian lacing behind. The initial aroma is of a grainy breadiness – similar to a Pilsner malt. Hop aromas abound – earthy, grassy, floral and a nice tangerine character to top. There are some tropical and pineapple notes present that add to the interesting complexity of the aroma. The flavor brings out bread crusts and some notes of corn grits and crackers. The hops in the flavor match the aroma – earthy, floral, and herbal. This is not an "eat-the-enamel-off-your-teeth" Imperial IPA – it's nicely balanced and not at all in-your-face. There are also some interesting gooseberry-like notes (maybe due to some New Zealand hops). There is a medium-dry finish that is well balanced between the hops and malt. A medium body and moderate carbonation lead to a very smooth and substantial (but clean) alcohol warmth in the finish. The fruity character of the beer would pair nicely with pita chips and a sharp, cheesy artichoke dip.
