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Sublime Citrus Wit

July, 2017
Judges Rating: 
19 / 24
5 / 6
35 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

Sublime Citrus Wit by Starr Hill is a Belgian Witbier (BJCP category 24A) that touches on the core flavors of the classic Belgian style but doesn't venture too far from them.  Despite its name, this beer lacks any particular citrus punch, and actually overperforms in scoring a bit simply because it's being evaluated as a straight Witbier rather than a fruit beer!

The beer pours a clear gold with a medium-white head with somewhat low retention (I'd expect better from a Wit). The initial aroma is of funk and pepper, with a low grapefruit and orange background note.  That profile is echoed in the flavor, adding a surprisingly large banana flavor and a semi-dry finish despite its sweet grainy malt character.  Bittering is low, and mouthfeel is soft and light, consistent with the style.

This is a fine beer, but where's the citrus?  It plays best as a generic Belgian Wit or Blond.
