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Nelson Crowle's picture

Garage Brewing Hatch Chile IPA

September, 2017
Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

This beer was evaluated as BJCP 2015 style 30 (Spiced Beer - BJCP treats chili peppers as a spice, not a fruit), with the underlying style of 21A (American IPA). A large white head, sitting on top of an almost clear medium gold beer, has small bubbles that break down into some larger bubbles, but has very good head retention that leaves a trail of Belgian lace, and bubbles continue to rise from the nucleation ring at the bottom of the glass. A moderate aroma of Anaheim-like chili pepper flesh is fresh (not vegetal), with just a hint of pepper heat. Hop aroma is moderately earthy with hints of lemony citrus, matching a clean fresh-baked bread malt. The aroma also presents some tropical fruit notes of kiwi and papaya that are probably hop derived. The tropical fruit hop flavor is present, but takes a back seat to the fresh chili pepper flesh and a light pepper heat. Medium high bittering, with a low bready note of the supporting malt leads into a great off-dry finish for this fairly light bodied and medium carbonated beer. Medium low alcohol warmth is clean. A very nice chili pepper presence that would nicely complement chili rellenos made with pepper jack cheese.
