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Upslope Brewing Co. Head Brewer Sam Scruby Talks Upslope Citra Pale Ale

Upslope Brewing Co. Head Brewer Sam Scruby Talks Upslope Citra Pale Ale

We spoke with Upslope Brewing Co. Head Brewer Sam Scruby about Upslope Citra Pale Ale.

BC: Who came up with this beer’s recipe?
We brewed a GABF Pro-Am beer with homebrewer John Primozic in 2014 that was a Citra Pale Ale/IPA. It was a big hit in the taproom and we made continuous tweaks to the recipe until we settled on the final version - featuring a more approachable ABV and slightly higher hopping rate. We have a very collaborative recipe development process at Upslope, I can't point to one person who wrote the recipe. 

BC: What’s your favorite aspect of this beer (flavor, aroma, etc.)?
The balance between malt and hops. I love that the slightly toasty malt flavor plays so well with the big apricot and grapefruit hop notes imparted by Citra. It creates a perfectly approachable but continuously interesting Pale Ale for me. 

BC: Where does this beer’s name come from?
Per the Upslope Naming Accords of 2008, we try to name our beers as close to the style category as possible. Simple is beautiful, especially in today's market. 

BC: Can you describe this beer in 10 words or less?
Snazzy Apricot Repeater.

Upslope Brewing Co. Upslope Citra Pale Ale

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DrGMG's picture
Would be nice if once in a while you guys got and posted a clone recipe for these.
