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Tom Cannon's picture

Vanilla Oatis

Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
5 / 6
39 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

The combination of dark roasted malt and the sweet, Ibarra chocolate flavor and aroma make this Oatmeal Stout similar to a chocolate covered coffee bean. The style calls for both coffee-like and chocolate-like roast aromas and this version hits both notes quite well. In the glass, this beer is an opaque black with a lovely creamy head. A presence of vanilla comes though more thoroughly in the flavor which helps add a deep, rich creaminess with an almost hazelnut complexity. There’s a lot going on in this beer, but the balance of the flavors and the beer’s structure are what make this example of Oatmeal Stout so breathtaking and satisfying.
