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Randy Scorby's picture

MoonJuice IPA

November, 2015
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
39 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

This beer is a welcome diversion from the typical citrus bomb Northwest-style IPA. The prominent hop character is a fresh and bright tropical fruit cocktail coupled with candied peaches and suggestions of pineapple. A very light grainy, caramel maltiness emerges as it warms and vents. The appearance pulls the drinker in even more with its deep amber color, near-brilliant clarity and off-white head that lasts throughout the example. The hop flavor follows the aroma with a prominent peach character and adds a light grapefruit rind, resin and a hint of pineapple. The medium-high hop bitterness is smooth and lingers through a light residual sweetness into a dry finish. A very light grainy malt character and alcohol warming adds the needed balance to round out the hop flavor and bitterness.
