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Jim Koebel's picture

12th Round

October, 2015
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

This American Strong Ale checks all the stylistic boxes. Its aroma consists of citrusy and resinous hops that contrast with lightly caramelly and bready malt. Also in the mix are stone fruit and ethanol aromas, with a touch of chocolate. The beer is dark brown in color with reddish hues, yet is clear when held to light. The thick, tan head persists until the end. This Strong Ale tastes much like it smells: Moderately high hop flavor and bitterness blend with fruity esters and toffee malt. It's a very close call, but this beer is hop-balanced despite the substantial maltiness. The finish is very dry and bitter, in part because of a strong, roasted malt character. This beer has a medium-full body and moderately high carbonation and ends with a nice alcoholic warmth. Even though it could still use more maltiness to round out the finish, this example is an impressively balanced and highly drinkable addition to the ranks of the American Strong Ale category.
