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Owen Ogletree's picture

Carnevale Ale

Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
38 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Sometimes blending two wonderful things produces unexpected, yet magnificent, results. This beer's bold, piney, resiny, citrusy American hop personality engages in an intriguing marriage with fruity, spicy, saison notes and slight wild yeast complexity – producing an end product that's balanced, multifaceted, creative and immensely drinkable. Aromas of light lemon, cereal, and insinuations of vanilla, meringue, banana, spice and custard pave the way for palate notes mostly dominated by American hops backed by traces of acidity, barnyard, melon rind and clove. This cloudy, golden brew possesses attractive orange hues, a medium mouthfeel and pleasant, lingering bitterness and spice that begs another sip.
