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Owen Ogletree's picture

Meantime London Porter

Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
39 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

This rich ale pours deep brown – almost black – with a claret glow when backlit. Cocoa nibs, bitter chocolate, roasted malt hints and undertones of prune and dark fruits permeate the aroma profile, while low carbonation levels increase the appreciation of the complex, dark malts on the palate. Flavor highlights include blackstrap molasses, cocoa powder, dark chocolate, roasted grains and brown malts backed by nuances of caramel sweetness and slightly burnt sugar. Earthy hops and mild esters are dominated by dark malt tannins that linger into the long aftertaste of this medium-bodied, creamy porter that finishes slightly dry on the palate and comes across as an excellent example of a Robust Porter.
