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Judge's Review: 96 Rating - Stone IPA by Stone Brewing Co.

March, 2022

Stone IPA

Stone IPA

United States
Stone IPA, Stone Brewing

Originally brewed to celebrate our first anniversary in 1997, Stone IPA was an immediate hit and soon became the flagship beer of our young brewery. One of the most well-respected and best-selling IPAs in the country, this golden beauty explodes with tropical, citrusy, piney hop flavors and aromas, all perfectly balanced by a subtle malt character. Over time, we stepped up the dry-hopping process to extract every bit of magic out of the amazing hops we use. This beer is as bold, fresh and flavorful today as it was back in '97.

Beverage Profile
Magnum, Chinook, Centennial, Azacca, Calypso, Ella, Vic Secret™



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Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
38 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
20 / 20

Stone IPA is being judged as an American IPA (category 21A) per the 2015 BJCP guidelines.

This beer pours a dark gold color with clear clarity. A mousse-like white head of tiny bubbles is sustained and leaves a beautiful lacing as it is consumed. The aroma consists of a medium piney hoppiness at the forefront with a light dank character. As the beer warms, medium-low tangerine skin and tropical notes of mango come out. There is a low grainy malt that manifests behind the hops once the beer warms, as well as very light wisps of alcohol. The flavor consists of a high bitterness at the forefront while low hop flavors of pine, citrus and low berry are present on the initial sip. The tropical hop flavors of mango and pineapple manifest in the finish along with a touch of peppery spice. The malt sweetness is perceived as low in this beer, though it's no doubt tempered by the experienced bitterness. The malt flavor is low grainy malt with very low caramel present. Fermentation is clean, though a nice general fruitiness is no doubt hop-derived. This beer has a medium body with medium carbonation. There is a low alcoholic warmth and no noted astringency. 

Overall, this beer is everything an IPA should be; bitter, dank and flavorful. Multiple layers of hop flavor keep this beer interesting and the hop bitterness is excellent, making the drinking of this beer self-perpetuating.