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Randy Scorby's picture

Judge's Review: 96 Rating - Sonoma Tart by Bear Republic Brewing Co.

February, 2019
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
6 / 6
39 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

Sonoma Tart by Bear Republic Brewing Co. is being evaluated as a Wild Specialty Beer (Category 28C) from the 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines.

Sonoma Tart pours a deep, hazy yellow with a white head that lingers. The aroma starts with prominent mixed passion fruit that eventually gives way to an identifiable guava character. A light tartness in the nose, light candied orange and bready malt notes emerge as it warms. Although the passion fruit is prominent the overall aroma is fairly complex. The flavor follows with pronounced guava, mango, light pineapple and candied orange. A moderate and clean lactic sourness balances the light residual sweetness that emerges mid-palate, along with a very light hop bitterness and bready malt. The lactic sourness and passion fruit linger into the aftertaste creating a balanced, fruity and refreshing beer.

Sonoma Tart is a very well balanced and enjoyable sour fruit beer. All too often this style can end up as a fruit drink, but the fruit is very well integrated into the base beer.  The lactic sourness is complementary and does not dominate. Very refreshing, this beer would be a good one to seek out in the warmer months.
