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Feasta by Väsen Brewing Co. is being evaluated as a Specialty Double IPA: New England Double IPA (Category 21B) from the 2015 BJCP Provisional Style guidelines.
This beer poured a light golden, very hazy color. The glass was crowned by a big foamy white head with very light viscosity when roused.
The aroma began with fresh, sweet, juicy, tropical fruit notes of pineapple and cantaloupe that were moderately high. Some ripe peach nectar notes developed as well. Behind all that freshness were notes of grainy malt that brought you back to a sweet juicy finish.
Sweet juicy flavors mirrored the aroma. The hops seem to dominate as they should for the style, and the beer's grainy malt flavors are very clean in support of the hops. There is a subtle alcoholic flavor just before the finish that adds an interesting component. Very well balanced in flavor, however it is decidedly hop-centric with a moderate degree of bitterness. This beer finishes semi-sweet and becomes drier with a long aftertaste.
Medium light-bodied with medium-low carbonation. A bit astringent, possibly from the hops that at times seem greeny and vegetal. The alcoholic notes are warming, smooth and not at all harsh.
A beer that's hard to put down based on the flavors and hop aroma profile. The body makes it very quaffable while keeping the alcohol in check. Enjoy this juicy fresh beer, as you hold on to your outdoor adventures while the leaves begin to turn.