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Michael McGuire's picture

Judge's Review: 92 Rating - Alpha Abstraction Vol. 8 by Wild Leap Brew Co.

August, 2019
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
5 / 6
38 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Alpha Abstraction, Vol. 8 by Wild Leap Brew Co. was described as a “Double IPA” and was judged as one (BJCP sub-style 22A). In the glass it formed a medium white head atop a light orange beer with only a slight chill haze. Unlike many hop-bomb Double IPAs that assault the senses with piney bitterness, the aroma of this brew was notable for intense tropical fruit and citrus-imparting hoppiness followed by deep maltiness and alcohol notes, all consistent with style. The flavor profile also featured both fruity hop and robust malt contributions, resulting in a delicious, well-balanced beer.

The mouthfeel was characterized by a medium body, some creaminess, modest but adequate carbonation, and alcohol warmth as observed in the aroma. The overall impression is of a clean, tasty, highly quaffable and moderately strong IPA and an excellent version of this style.
