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Michael Heniff's picture

Judge's Review: 91 Rating - Snow Glare Hoppy Wheat by Breckenridge Brewery

February, 2018
Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

Snow Glare Hoppy Wheat by Breckenridge Brewery is an American Wheat Ale and is being evaluated as an American Wheat Beer (2015 BJCP Style Guidelines category 1D). American wheat beers are noted for having less yeast character and more hop focus than German wheat beers. This wheat beer showcases Mosaic, Centennial and Palisade hops.

This beer starts as very cloudy (appropriate), golden in color with a big, fluffy, white head. The aroma is of prominent, aggressive hops with resinous, tropical fruit and apricot elements with a light wheat background. The flavor displays the same aggressive hop character as the aroma and adds an herbal complement. The beer finishes with tropical fruit and herbal hop flavors with a light bitterness and a hint of wheat.  

Be sure to seek out this aggressively hopped wheat beer. But think of it more as a wheat IPA than a traditional American wheat.
