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Witkist White by Odell Brewing Co. is a fruited Wit-style beer. Wheat, Spice, Citrus – yup, all there, as expected for a Wit. However, the fruit character marries so well with the base beer character that it really doesn’t stand out as would be expected for a BJCP Category 29A Fruit Beer. It is still an enjoyable offering for warm weather refreshment.
The aroma is comprised of cereal and coriander notes along with a touch of citrus/orange character and a bit of Belgian banana fermentation character. The aroma is unquestionably a Wit! There is a subtle grapefruit aroma that struggles to make itself known on top of the rest of the nose. The brew has a hazy, light golden color and a very slight white, small-bubbled, lacy head with rather poor retention for the style.
The base beer flavor is solid, with cereal and a wheat bite along with coriander, citrus and banana flavors. These flavors linger through the middle, finish and aftertaste. As in the aroma, the grapefruit flavor is a bit subtle for the overall flavor build for a Fruit Beer style. The body is light-to-medium and the carbonation is moderate. The balance of sourness and sweetness from the grain is very good, giving an enjoyable clean finish adding to the brew’s quaffability.
Witkist White is an enjoyable interpretation of a traditional Witbier. As a Fruit Beer, it needs just a touch of improvement. Still, in these days of COVID-19 and at-home quarantining, this could certainly be a great option for those desiring a quite flavorful, refreshing and quaffable offering!