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Judge's Review: 90 Rating - Cherry Chocolate Milk Stout by Garage Brewing Co.

November, 2020
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
4 / 6
37 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Cherry Chocolate Milk Stout by Garage Brewing Co. was judged according to the 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines, Category 29A, Fruit Beer.

An initial fragrant, lightly perfumed cherry aroma draws my immediate attention to the glass where a brilliantly clear black beer awaits. Upon first full sniff, I fill my nose with sweet dark chocolate and medium nutty and caramel malt. A tall bubbly tan head sits atop the beer and recedes fairly quickly, leaving a random scattering of bubbles and film. The initial flavor is sweet dark, rich chocolate, lightly sweet red cherries, and a medium sweet finish.

Additional evaluation uncovers some light stone fruit ester aroma and flavor, no perceivable hop aroma or flavor but a faint hop bitterness that keeps the malt sweetness in check. The cherry flavor has a candy character without introducing any cloying sweetness. A rich and complex malt flavor provides nutty, roast, and caramel qualities to the beer. The body is medium-full with some light alcohol warmth and medium-high carbonation.

This beer would pair nicely with a rich New York-style cheesecake.
