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Judge's Review: 90 Rating - Barnegat Lager by Ship Bottom Brewery

February, 2018

Barnegat Lager

Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
35 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Barnegat Lager by Ship Bottom Brewery was reviewed under the auspices of the Beer Judge Certification Program Style Guidelines as an Amber European Malty Lager (6A Marzen).

A toasted malt bouquet flows to the nostrils upon first pour. Munich malt is predominant in the aroma and is quite cleanly stated.

A handsome beer in all respects with a clear light copper hue that, in turn, supports a tight-knit, medium-white head.

Medium-bodied and well-conditioned with appropriate alcohol levels, the flavor exhibits a grainy Munich malt character that as in the aroma profile is very clean and manifests no trace of hop flavor or ester production that would inhibit the malty nature on this style from expressing itself. The finish is crisp and a bit more bitter than normally found in other examples of this style.

The Marzen style was originally presented to the United States by Germany as “Octoberfest” before the beer served at the Octoberfest celebration (A different style) confusingly started being imported to the US under the same name. In order to avoid confusion the BJCP now defines that style as a Marzen. For both those who might have remembered this lager under its original appellation as well as those that know and enjoy it as a Marzen, the above captioned beer is one that will not disappoint.
