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Judge's Review: 89 Rating - Pineapple Hefeweizen by Garage Brewing Co.

November, 2021

Pineapple Hefeweizen

Pineapple Hefeweizen

United States
Pineapple Hefeweizen, Garage Brewing Co.

Just in time for summer, this pineapple hefe is ready to make you feel like you're on an island in the South Pacific.

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

Pineapple Hefeweizen by Garage Brewing Co. is being evaluated as a Fruit Beer (Category 29A) from the 2015 BJCP Style Guidelines.

Pineapple Hefeweizen pours an appropriately hazy medium gold with a lingering creamy white head that remains throughout the glass. The aroma features a prominent bready wheat character followed by moderate pineapple that presents as a bit old. There is no hop aroma or fermentation esters behind the malt and pineapple. As it warms, the aroma shifts to a mixed tropical fruit along with a light candy-like impression of sweetness.

The flavor follows aroma with moderate bready wheat that gives way to moderately light pineapple. Any hop flavor that may be present is also lost behind the malt and fruit. Moderately light hop bitterness emerges mid-palate and remains smooth into the medium-dry finish. The hop bitterness grows slightly and the pineapple overtakes the wheat as you work your way through the glass. The medium body, light astringency and moderate carbonation round out this beer.

Although a pleasantly drinking beer, the pineapple presents as a little old. A more fresh pineapple character would enhance the aroma and flavor of the beer. The fruit and wheat do work well together, and this beer would make a very nice back porch sipper during warmer months.
