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Judge's Review: 88 Rating - Brut IPA by Devils Backbone Brewing Co.

April, 2019
Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Brut IPA by Devils Backbone Brewing Co. was reviewed under style guidelines provided by the Beer Judge Certification Program, category 21B Specialty IPAs. It should be noted that the above mentioned Beer Judge Certification Program has not yet provided style guidelines for Brut IPA however are in process of creating an in-depth definition which should be released in the near future. This review was conducted from a 16-ounce goblet after an initial pour from a 12-ounce bottle.

A very actively carbonated pale yellow beer produced a substantial white head which held up throughout this evaluation. The aroma was lightly fruity with defined citrus notes and just a touch of wheat. Hops lent a firm floral bouquet to advise the drinker that this was still and all an IPA. This was a highly attenuated beer which allows the aforementioned floral hop character to be showcased while increasing drinkability by means of a very thin body and well-hidden alcohol levels. The wine-like dryness created as a result of a thorough fermentation gives this style its uniqueness. The champagne-like qualities exhibited here makes this beer an obvious choice for both beer and wine lovers.