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Dubbel or Nothing by Social Fox Brewing is a Belgian Dubbel brewed with maple syrup, date honey, and amber candi sugar and was judged as an Alternative Sugar Beer (BJCP sub-style 31B).
It poured dark brown into the glass beneath a moderate dissipating white head. Its aroma led off with rich caramel malt and muted dark fruit (especially prune) esters, and after warming, finished with lighter maple and honey notes. The flavor profile was identical to that of the aroma – a pleasant balance of malt and sweetness. The mouthfeel was characterized by a medium body, medium dryness, only modest carbonation for style , very slight alcohol warmth, no astringency or other off-flavors, all of which were to style. There were no distinctive hops present in either the aroma or flavor, but bittering hops evidently balanced the variety of sugars from the multiple malts and “alternative sugar” additives to avoid a cloyingly sweet palate in the finish.
The net result is a balanced novel American take on the traditional Trappist Dubbel style (see BJCP sub-style 26B), but one that lacks the depth and complexity of a true Dubbel. This beer would be enjoyable all by itself or in support of various meal courses. Drinkers who prefer stronger honey and maple flavors in their beers might have preferred, at the risk of upsetting the balance of the finished product, the brewer had used a somewhat heavier hand when adding those ingredients.