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Miracle Mile IPA by 6th and La Brea Brewery and Restaurant is listed under 21A of the BJCP 2015 Guidelines as an American IPA. The alcohol of this beer is 6.7%. The aroma of this beer revealed a very nice floral, hoppy aroma evident of the beer style. The color had a very nice light straw color hue with good carbonation and head retention. The flavor of this beer had a very nice malt background with subtle hop flavors. I would consider this to be on the low end of an IPA in terms of IBUS (international bittering units). It had nice hop flavors of pine, floral and a subtle hint of citrus. The body and mouthfeel of this beer was medium with very good carbonation. This is a nicely made beer balanced nicely with the malt/hop profile that finishes very smooth in the palate.