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Judge's Review: 84 Rating - Pomegranate Ginger Sour by Low Road Brewing

February, 2022

Pomegranate Ginger Sour

Pomegranate Ginger Sour

United States
Pomegranate Ginger Sour, Low Road Brewing

Sour ale with pomegranate juice and fresh ginger root.

Beverage Profile



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Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
33 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
15 / 20

Pomegranate Ginger Sour by Low Road Brewing falls under the BJCP category of 28C (Wild Specialty Beer). The aroma of this beer revealed subtle ginger and slight pomegranate. It also had a funky aroma that is appropriate for this style. The pour revealed a hazy, cloudy light brown hue with carbonation that receded quickly. The flavor of this beer was instantaneous and aggressive, because it was very sour and tart, and the immediate response was puckering of the mouth and/or swallowing again. 

The base beer had a slight funky flavor (appropriate for style) along with some citrus or citric acidity that was again very pronounced and hard to miss. Even with the aggressive acidity and tartness I was able to decipher a ginger flavor more so than the pomegranate component of this beer. The ginger, at least, rounded out the flavor somewhat and added another dimension to this sour much more so than the pomegranate component. The carbonation was good and the mouthfeel and body was light to medium. The overall finish again was mouth-puckering, causing me to swallow an additional time due to the very strong tartness and sourness of this beer.  It had a nice use of ginger that I liked, which somehwat added another dimension to this beer.