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Michael McGuire's picture

Judge's Review: 73 Rating - Pocketwatch by Urban Artifact

June, 2019
Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
4 / 6
30 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
12 / 20

Pocketwatch by Urban Artifact was described as including Concord grapes, red plums and black currants, was listed on the can as a Midwest Fruit Tart, and was judged as a Fruit and Spice Beer (BJCP sub-style 29B).  In the glass it formed an extremely thin white head with virtually no retention atop an opaque bright purplish-red brew.  The aroma consisted of intense mixed dark “jammy” fruit notes, with no malt or hop aromas evident.  The flavor profile was also dominated by grapes and plums.  Malt and hop and yeast (i.e., beer) flavors were not part of the profile.  The mouthfeel was comprised of a medium body, very low carbonation, a jammy texture, slight saltiness, and light alcohol warmth. 

The net effect and lasting impression was of a fermented mixed-fruit beverage whose beer roots were either absent or overwhelmed by its intense fruitiness.  Additional carbonation would have increased its refreshing character and thus its drinkability and mass appeal, as would much greater evidence of a base beer style. 
