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Pete Garofalo's picture


Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
5 / 6
35 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

The initial aroma is of caramel and toasty malt, followed by woody, earthy hops that have a pithy character. Moderate strawberry esters have an overripe fruitiness, with a low-level sour/sulfury quality that is distracting. The flavor starts off with moderately toasted caramelly malts that are quickly overtaken by an earthy, vinous bitterness that lingers through the finish to the aftertaste. Esters are reminiscent of bruised fruit, with an overripe aspect. The alcohol presence is closer to the forefront than expected for the style. The impression swings from light malt to an overriding hop flavor and bitterness that is not as engaging as in the best examples.