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Garrick van Buren's picture

Luna Coffee Stout

November, 2015
Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
36 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
14 / 20

This beer has an opaque, dark brown body with bright, sparkling ruby gem highlights capped with a dense, persistent beige head of tiny bubbles. Its aroma is filled with freshly percolated coffee, dark chocolate, and brown malt followed by very light notes of red apple flesh and orange slices. Coffee roast dominates the flavor with support by moderate caramel notes, light floral esters and light citrusy hop notes – orange with a lingering green coffee bean-esque vegetal note. Alcohol notes are absent throughout. The roast-derived finish is medium-dry with just a thread of coffee lingering on from the medium body and soft carbonation. 
