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Golden Spike Hefeweizen

Judges Rating: 
20 / 24
5 / 6
34 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
15 / 20

A tipple that has developed a dedicated, and rightfully deserved, local fan base in its hometown of Salt Lake City, Golden Spike is a beer that one judge deemed “the stuff of liters.” Exceedingly quaffable and unabashedly unobtrusive, this beer is made to be drunk. Hitting the glass with a prodigious, creamy snow-white head, this is a deep yellow, almost golden yet markedly hazy brew. All of the judges commented on the initial streak of sulfur in the aroma, but it dissipated quickly revealing tantalizing shades of sourdough baguette, Granny Smith apples and bananas. Tom applauded the piquant lemony aromas that were complemented by delicate perfume-like hop notes, while Nick thought the somewhat understated banana character lent a delightful degree of complexity. True to the style, Golden Spike’s flavor is jam-packed with notes of fresh bread, almost rye-like spiciness and even teases of wildflower honey. Rick praised the firm hop bitterness that kept the malt and wheat from overpowering the flavor, and he was particularly taken by the delicate honey notes drifting above the malt. However, Tim focused on the soupçon of green apple character in the flavor that – along with the beer’s effervescence – yielded a pleasantly crisp finish. A solid entry in the American wheat beer style, Golden Spike would be a welcome addition to any establishment’s tap lineup.
