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Richard Wong's picture

Generation Boomerang

March, 2017
Judges Rating: 
24 / 24
5 / 6
34 / 40
5 / 10
Overall Impression: 
14 / 20

This is a barrel-aged quad (Belgian Dark Strong Ale) with an ABV of 12.1%. The aroma of this beer was wonderful with hints of dark fruit, raisins and a slight malt sweetness. Negligible in hop aroma, but that is okay and reflects the style corrrectly. The beer had a very nice light brown hue. However, it was also very flat. It had no carbonation and no head to speak of, which is reflected in the flavor. Because of the lack of carbonation, the beer was thin, had no mouthfeel and really couldn't impart its flavors cleanly. The flavors of the beer that I did get were wonderful - hints of dark fruit, raisins and a sherry-like quality due to the fact that it was aged in red wine barrels.  A very nice rich malt sweetness compounded with a balanced hop bitterness with a nice alcohol warmth in the afterfinish. With proper carbonation the overall flavors could have been elevated much more.  As it stands, under-carbonation hurt this beer's score.