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S J Klein's picture

Interurban IPA

September, 2015

Interurban IPA

Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
5 / 6
32 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
16 / 20

Holy Hophead! This beer is very hop-forward. American IPAs are typically more aggressively hopped than their British counterparts, and this beer is on the far end of the spectrum. In the nose I found orange peel and hopleaf, a little paper, and subtle hints of caramel and baked pineapple. The flavor is all hops -- very dry and very bitter. Flavors of bitter grapefruit and blackcurrant dominate. A light malt ball sweetness can't hold up to the hoppiness of this beer. The hops are almost puckering, but not astringent, and the beer has a light mouthfeel despite its strength. This IPA is very clean, dry and effervescent. The IBUs are on the high end of the spectrum, but it does feel slightly out of balance to me.

An aggressively hopped version of an aggressively hopped style. I would like to see more hop flavor and more balance for drinkability, but I still found myself finishing the glass and wishing I had another.
