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Sean Coughlin's picture

Cursed Kettles

April, 2017
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
5 / 6
39 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

Cursed Kettles by Upland Brewing Company (and Prairie Artisan Ales as a collaborating brewery) is a barrel-aged fruited sour ale which is being evaluated as a Wild Specialty Beer (2015 BJCP Category 28C) from the BJCP guidelines. Dark cherry notes are complimented by toasted malt, lactic twang, and a small hint of oak. The aroma is complex to the point of making you return to it between every sip to continue exploring. The beer is light brown with an orange hue and some haze. A tightly packed light khaki head holds together well for a sour. The flavor offers great complexity as well, featuring raisin and cherry, with a hint of leather, rich melanoidin malt flavors, a well-balanced tartness, and a refreshingly dry finish. The oak character is minimal in flavor and lends a light tannic presence that accentuates the beers dryness. The body is medium and the carbonation is lively. An excellent example of a Wild Specialty Beer that puts the focus on the fruit with supporting roles from complex malt and fermentation profiles without letting the barrel character get in the way. A bit more acidity would be welcome but overall this is an exceptionally well thought out and brewed beer.