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Sal Mortillaro II's picture


October, 2016


United States
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
5 / 6
37 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

This Wit pours a deep gold color with cloudy clarity. A foamy bone colored white head quickly dissipates but leaves a ring around the glass. The aroma consists of moderate malt sweetness with a light doughy and tart wheat character. There is no noticeable hop character, but a moderate-low bitter orange peel, low perfumy coriander, and slight spicy note are apparent and intertwine with the malt helping to balance the aroma. In the flavor, malt sweetness is moderate-low with a nice bready-wheat flavor. Hop bitterness is low with a lightly floral hop flavor. The main source of perceived bitterness appears to come from the use of bitter orange peel as opposed to hops. A very pleasant and not overpowering coriander note adds a layer of complexity.  There is a very light spicy note from the yeast as well as a very light sour note from the use of wheat. A slight touch of ethyl alcohol is apparent in the after taste a few seconds after the swallow. Right after the swallow this beer balances towards the malt, however finishes fairly dry and favors a nice lingering bitterness. In the mouth, the beer has a medium-light body with ample carbonation which tickles the tongue. A very subtle alcohol warmth suggests this beer being on the higher end of the acceptable style range. The body and use of wheat makes this a creamy and pleasant feeling beer.

Overall, though a slight persistent bitterness which is not to style lingers after the swallow, this is easily overlooked by it’s overall very well done, easy drinking, and refreshing character. As the hot days of summer are here this is a beer which easily quenches the thirst. The orange peel character in beer would pair well with fruit crepes, blood orange sorbet, or a citrus panna cotta.
