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Jim Koebel's picture


August, 2015
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
5 / 6
36 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

The aroma of this Tripel aged in oak bourbon barrels is subdued overall, containing a gentle mix of peppery phenols, light banana, and oak. This beer pours a hazy deep gold with a tall, creamy white head that lasts and lasts, leaving some fine lacing on the glass. The flavor begins with a bourbon sting and leads into a peppery spice that lasts throughout. This beer is quite bitter and has a dry, tannic finish with oak flavors. The barrel character masks the malt flavors and other complexities. Although dry, bitter, and highly carbonated, this beer is very smooth. Despite lacking the trademark expressiveness of a Tripel, the flavors in this beer come together well. The outcome is a pleasant reminder that bourbon barrel-aging doesn't have to be extreme.   
