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Susan Ruud's picture

96 Rating: pFriem Oud Bruin by pFriem Family Brewers

January, 2018
Judges Rating: 
23 / 24
6 / 6
39 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
19 / 20

This beer was judged as an Oud Bruin using BJCP 2015 Category 23C.

This brew poured a lovely dark brown color with striking red highlights, a clear body with a huge, light tan head leaving behind pretty white lacing around the glass. This was a gorgeous beer that had me more than ready to dive in. The upfront aroma was lactic and sour yet plenty of rich, aromatic malt elements tied it all together. The sour cherry flavors and sherry-like notes were heavenly, finishing very smooth with a sweet and tart impression.

I could imagine drinking this beer with some freshly steamed seafood such as lobster or shrimp dipped in butter or perhaps a rich, fatty duck dish. For those that aren't meat eaters, this would go beautifully with almost anything served with a rich cream sauce.

For those that don't need food with their beer, this is also a lovely beer to drink on its own; just kick back by the fireplace and enjoy the craftsmanship that went into making this delightful brew.
