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95 Rating: Clencher by BuckleDown Brewing

January, 2018


Judges Rating: 
22 / 24
6 / 6
39 / 40
10 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20

Clencher by BuckleDown Brewing is being evaluated as a Double IPA (Category 22A) from the 2015 BJCP guidelines. 

This beer poured a bright golden color with a big, thick white head that displayed excellent retention. No carbonation bubbles were visible in the glass.

In the aroma, a big hop character in the forefront is dank, spicy and lemony. No fruitiness is present and the nose is very clean with a very low caramel malt sweetness.  

The flavor is mirrored by the aroma with big, bold hop notes that are full of dank, stone fruit and blueberry jam elements. The small amount of malt sweetness balances these massive hop notes. The finish is dry with a lingering fruit character from the hops. It is hard to discern that this is a Double IPA because it doesn’t have that expected overwhelming alcoholic punch.  

The mouthfeel has a light creaminess from the medium-low carbonation, and the medium-full body has no astringency or warmth. Overall, this is a beautifully executed beer. 

This highly hop-forward Double IPA has some interesting hop characteristics that slightly deviate from the usual suspects of citrus notes “du jour."  The hop balance is such that it doesn’t undermine the malt backbone, so you better drink it -- it’s excellent!