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Michael McGuire's picture

80 Rating: Oren by Reformation Brewery

December, 2018


Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
6 / 6
32 / 40
7 / 10
Overall Impression: 
14 / 20

Oren by Reformation Brewery is an American IPA and was judged as such (BJCP sub-style 21A). It a poured reddish-golden into the glass, where it set up clear with a thick white lasting head. Its aroma was primarily hop-forward featuring some citrusy varietals followed somewhat abruptly by a robust malt fullness. The flavor profile led off with juicy hop notes followed paradoxically by a sturdy but not dominant malt backbone that the aroma had led me to expect. Overall both the flavor and mouthfeel were blander than expected from such an attractive and aromatic start. This beer resembled an American Pale Ale more than an IPA, whose “legs” and flavor depth and integration it lacked. Not a bad beer with off-flavors, but one that wasn’t special or memorable either, especially in today’s crowded IPA market.
