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Tybee Island Blonde

February, 2017
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
4 / 6
34 / 40
8 / 10
Overall Impression: 
17 / 20

Tybee Island Blonde by Coastal Empire Beer Co. is a kolsch-style beer and was judged as a Kolsch (BJCP sub-style 5B). It poured pale gold into the glass where it set up with a noticeable haze and a moderate head which dissipated more rapidly than it should have for this style. The aroma was mild and dominated by a malt sweetness. The flavor was clean and crisp, chiefly a slightly sweet maltiness (think pilsner rather than Munich or crystal malt). Hops, of a noble variety, were not evident up-front but their subtle bitterness followed into the finish which was dry and refreshing. Carbonation was low for the style and the mouthfeel was crisp overall with a lesser but pleasing creamy texture. Altogether this was a clean refreshing pale beer, perfect for late spring or summer quaffing, but not to be mistaken for its ancestor from Cologne.
