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John C. Tull's picture


January, 2017
Judges Rating: 
21 / 24
6 / 6
37 / 40
9 / 10
Overall Impression: 
18 / 20
Spice and citrus rind aromatics blend with light yeast and malt aromas that are somewhat bready in this White IPA. The color is straw, mostly clear, with a thin, but persistent white head. The flavor showcases significant bitter orange character and some clove phenol that combines with a strong citrus hop flavor and bitterness. The hops also lend a spiciness, although spice additions may also be at play. The malt presence balances the hops with some slight sweetness. The finish is spicy, black-pepper like, fading into a malt dryness with lingering spiciness. The alcohol provides a touch of heat, but it does not come across fusel-like or distracting. The mouthfeel has moderate body with some creaminess. As a White IPA, this beer captures the hybrid qualities of a Belgian-influenced style with a heavy dose of New World hops and a bump in gravity. If you like hoppy beers with citrus character, but Belgian beers have not really been your thing, this beer may help bridge the two. As a White IPA, it provides an excellent example of this Specialty IPA beer style.
