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Travel Issue 24 Has Arrived!

The transition from spring to summer means school's out, the weather is prime for refreshing ales, and for many of us, it's high time to pack a suitcase and hit the road for some well-deserved R&R (Russian River and Rodenbach). Of course, we leave room for the beer haul we'll return with. 
Travel for a beer lover means a chance to imbibe not just new brews, but the local culture and terroir each pint is imbued with, straight from the soul of the brewer.  
With that in mind, we decided to dig a little deeper into the brewniverse to uncover some lesser-known yet bustling beer scenes and a few unsung aspects of beer culture. We'll journey north to Grand Rapids, home to far more than just Founders, and venture all the way to the Baltic for a look at the up-and-coming Estonian craft beer scene, but not before stopping in Poland for some traditional recipes and pairings straight from the heartland.
And while you know how wonderful beer hubs like Portland, Denver and San Diego are (check out our Premium Members-only Colorado Beer Adventure Giveaway), you might enjoy a change of pace in the fresh air and earthy vibe of Wyoming's Grand Teton Brewing by way of our interview with head brewer Rob Mullin.
We'll also chat about the cultural effect craft is having on the world with an American beer icon, Bob Leggett, who has been bringing the US some of the world's best beer for over four decades, along with expert reviews for styles that span the globe. Saison, Berliner Weisse, Double IPA and Gose abound in this issue's Beer Review, along with corresponding Brewer Q & As from some of the finest minds in brewing, including Roughtail's Tony Tielli discussing the brewery's delightfully hazy 3rd Anniversary Double IPA.
Finally, brewers are only as good as the feedback they receive. In our continuing efforts to bring you the best in beer coverage, The Beer Connoisseur wants to hear from you. Perhaps there's a new style you're dying to learn more about, or you want to know the "Top 10 Cheeses to Pair with Pliny". Drop us a line at [email protected], or hit us up on Twitter and Facebook to let us know how we can bring you to parts of the brewniverse you've always wanted to see.
